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What we’re about

Welcome to Meditation & Conscious Living Glastonbury! As we focus into Life experience, we each have a unique purpose, a unique experience, a unique expression, unique passions, and a unique skill-set……and, much more importantly, a deeper nature to who we are! There is a part of us (which is ultimately our true nature!), from which arises immeasurable peace, love, joy, growth, authenticity, fulfillment, empowerment, guidance, wisdom, purpose, passion, abundance, creativity, confidence, and a sense of feeling whole, complete, fulfilled and at home in this physical environment! It is the true nature of every human being and all things, and we are here to realize it, feel it, be it, and have it be the awareness from which we allow our unique, amazing, wonderful life expression and experience to emerge/unfold/arise!

This group is, to inspire and support you in finding this true-nature place within yourself, in creating consistency in connection, and in creating the authentic and aligned Life experience that arises as a result! Meditation & Conscious Living Circles, and Workshops covering various areas and perspectives, are on offer, and for those who wish to focus-in further and go deeper, 1 to 1 Sessions are on offer also!

Although this journey to realizing and becoming your true nature and your true expression is one that is ultimately undertaken by you and you alone, 1 to 1 connection with another, and group environment, is of immense value and benefit! We are all connected in the most amazing way, and for those of you who additionally wish to have the experience, the safe and loving spaces created at events here are great for making connections and companions with like-minded and resonant people along the way!

Thankyou for visiting this page, and I look forward to meeting you at an event soon! :-)

Love and best wishes,

Gordon x

Upcoming events (1)

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