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The Searing Light of Truth

Photo of Patrice Tremblay
Hosted By
Patrice T.
The Searing Light of Truth


How to discover the God-knowledge within you

“ The Light and Sound are God’s way to communicate directly with us. They help develop our creativity, which makes us godlike. ‘’
—Harold Klemp, ECK Wisdom on Inner Guidance, p. 6

Discover how inner guidance can help you:

  • transform a disaster into a joyful moment,
  • receive answers to your questions, and
  • open your heart and spread your wings!

You are warmly invited to a spiritual discussion on the following date :
Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 7 p.m.

The spiritual discussions take place every month with a different theme each month.

Eckankar is new to you ? These spiritual discussions are created to facilitate your experience. Listen, question, share your thoughts, as you wish. These exchanges take place in a spirit of openness and benevolence.

Inspiration to read

Sign up to receive your zoom link and instructions to join the meeting. Click on the link below.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Your meeting access link is for you, please do not share it. No reminder will be sent. If you lose your link, please register again.

See you soon!

To receive your zoom link, subscribe → To register →

*Quebec time zone HAE (GMT/UTC-4)
Example : 11 h à Montréal = 8 h à Vancouver = 17 h à Paris​

Locations : zoom
Organizer : Eckankar Quebec
Telephone : 1 855 325-9955
Information :

Photo of Meetup Eckankar Bas-St-Laurent group
Meetup Eckankar Bas-St-Laurent
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