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What we’re about

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Going deep into depth psychology! This group is about helping to encounter and discuss the key concepts of Jungian psychology. Please note this is an purely intellectual and artistic endeavor, feel free to join.

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss (1875-1961) psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who is famous for his works on depth psychology and founding of analytical psychology. While perusing an academic career he became acquainted with Sigmund Freud, who regarded Jung as his successor to move the field of psychoanalysis forward. After years their friendship ended, due in part of Jung’s insistence to pursue fringe interests as alchemy, astrology and the occult. Generating concepts such as collective unconscious, ahadow, anima, synchronicity and many more, Jung always had a strong presence in pop culture. This group is intended to explore these concepts to understand them better. Every event while focus on specific concepts as they were introduced by Jung and how they still pop up in current discussions and events.

So you are interested in psychology and especially depth psychology? This is the group for you.

This group and its events are free and will always be free. Anybody can join regardless of background (though some English skills are strongly advised). This is a private endeavor a not affiliated with any organization or company.

See you soon

Upcoming events (4+)

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