Up with the Yealm, Down with the Erme
Walk 16km
Rating 4 (medium to hard) Please read in full.
This is a fairly long walk and quite challenging . There is a significant stretch of off piste moor walking included within this walk 2km approx. You will need to be in good health and comfortable walking over rough ground.
If you are ok with the above then this walk is well worth the extra effort. I think it is one of the prettiest and most varied rambles that I have put together yet.
The walk kicks off on Heathfield Down outside of Cornwood where there is plenty of free roadside parking. From here we will cross some chequer-board farmland to meet the Yealm at Dendles wood nature reserve. This picturesque stretch of the river boasts some fine plunge pools and tumbles over several small cataracts surrounded by mature oak and beech woodland which is home to a number of rare species. We’ll follow the river to its upper reaches and then cut across Stall moor to the neighbouring watershed of the Erme. Here we’ll pick up the track that accompanies the river down to Piles Copse, One of only two sizeable stands of the ancient oak forest that once covered the high moor, the other being the better known, but no finer, Wistmans Wood. Depending on the state of the river we may ford the Erme here and take a closer look, together with a well deserved rest. There is no bridge so this means wading or finding some stepping stones. You may like to bring some alternative footwear that you don’t mind getting wet. After this its a straightforward 5k stroll down to the Cornwood Inn for a drink before hobbling the last half km to our cars.
Advisory note:
This is a not for profit group intended as a social event for people who share an interest in the natural world. You are responsible for your own safety and welfare so please come appropriately dressed for a long rural walk taking account of the prevailing weather conditions. Should you participate in any foraging events, it is your own responsibility to identify to your own satisfaction anything you plan to eat. Some walks may involve an additional degree of physical challenge. If so, this will be clearly stated in the description. If you then choose to participate in these activities you do so at your risk.
There is a small fee of £2 for each walk to cover costs of the meetup page which is currently £200 per year and also to cover some minor expenses incurred when reconnoitering walks, mostly fuel and a pint.
Up with the Yealm, Down with the Erme