What we’re about
To all those who believe,
Are you seeking God? Do you belong to a Church or other religious group? Do you feel as if something is missing and find yourself still searching? Do you seek out and visit new places on Saturdays or Sunday mornings, walking away empty and not connecting? After you leave a place that you frequented visited, does anybody care if you never return? Are you looking for community? I understand. I jumped from place to place only to find them the same. The changeless routine every week.
I am hoping to find people who want to grow. I am seeking individuals who are looking for change. I desire to discover a group that wants to pursue and learn together. Let’s start from the beginning when The Massiah entered the world, and we can work our way through the truth. Let us learn how the first community of believers lived after The Lord ascended and how we are to live this life.
Let me introduce myself. My name Is Griffin Wagner, and I want to gather with the likeminded described above.