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What we’re about


We are an online group meant for single, conscious and professional women who want to learn how to date mindfully.

As a result of being part of our Mindful Dating community, they learn to attract a partner with emotional DEPTH who is proactive, confident, and ready for a commitment!

The purpose of this group is to bring together single women who want to:

• Break their cycles of toxic relationships and instead make Mindful Choices in their dating life, so they attract emotionally available men.

• Position themselves as high-value women, so they STOP overgiving or losing themselves in the process.

• Love and honour themselves so they finally feel worthy of an amazing man (no more comparing their selves to other women’s looks or achievements)!

• Unleash their inner FEMININE magnetism to attract higher calibre & conscious men.

• Understand why high-achieving & career women don't get pursued by quality men - and instead get ghosted, crumbs, or friend-zoned.

• Discover WHERE and HOW to meet men on Their Level in Real Life & Online

• Discover how to build an emotional connection with the right man, so he wants to commit.

•Understand The essential differences between men and women in their approach to love (and how knowing these helps attract him like wildfire)

Stop attracting men who don't value you for who you are!


Join my FREE 5-Day Course: Rediscover Yourself: A 5-Day Course to Dating with Confidence and Value.


Our Events:

Join our group and attend any of our online events. They will consist of live online seminars and live lectures. Everyone is welcome!

More about the Organiser:

Hi, my name is Magda. I am a Mindful Dating Coach with a Degree in Social Psychology. I have over 10 years of experience in the professional dating industry (which also includes experience working for leading Matchmaking Brands in the UK).

I help women break their pattern of toxic relationships, be true to themselves, reclaim their confidence and learn how to attract Authentic Love.

I use a blend of psychology, mindfulness, and embodiment techniques including dancing and simple, practical steps to set healthy boundaries, build confidence, communicate authentically, and overcome fears of abandonment and rejection.

I show women how to make inspired, mindful, high-value choices to create a healthy and lasting relationship.

Connect with me on Instagram:

Upcoming events (1)

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