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Discover Your Soul Mission with the Akashic Records and Past Life Regression

Photo of Jen Akasha Smith, PhD(c)
Hosted By
Jen Akasha Smith, P.
Discover Your Soul Mission with the Akashic Records and Past Life Regression


Feeling lost and confused about what you should be doing with your days, your life? You’re not alone. We have all been there. What can you do until you know?

In this program, you can discover more clarity about what really drives you on a deeper level. Find out what inspires you. This can be one of the most rewarding mysteries to unlock. It is really difficult to feel like you are wandering aimlessly through life with the feeling of there must be more…and a sense you can’t shake that you’re meant to be doing something if only you knew what it was.

During our time together, we will peel back the layers to see what’s hidden beneath, your heart and soul’s deepest longing. Interestingly it can be different things at different times in your life. In one moment it can completely change. Maybe you thought you once knew but now it doesn’t feel that way.

Receive support and healing for right where you are.

You' ll also have the option of doing personalized one-to-one akashic records readings and past life regressions after the workshop to support you on your path of living an inspired, soul-led life that truly speaks to you all the way down to your bones. Are you ready? You'll be in good hands. Akasha has been facilitating past life regressions and doing readings and healings for more than 20 years.

Call Wild Ginger Apothecary at 941-312-5630 to register now before it sells out. The last one did.

Photo of Awakened Living group
Awakened Living
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Wild Ginger Apothecary
6557 Superior Ave · Sarasota, FL
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