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Professional Intuitive Healer Certification Program

Photo of Jen Akasha Smith, PhD(c)
Hosted By
Jen Akasha Smith, P.
Professional Intuitive Healer Certification Program


School of Awakened Living's 9 Month Professional Intuitive Healing Certification Program begins in October at Wild Ginger!

​Even if you’re not sure whether or not you’re intuitive, we teach methods just about anyone can do. Wake up excited to start your day and feeling good about the work you're doing in the world.

You've probably been feeling the pull to something more for awhile now but weren't sure where to begin. This one of a kind, in depth program will give you the tools you need to start a career that's in alignment with all of who you are. Heart, mind, body and soul.

Our kind, experienced teachers will hold your hand through each step of becoming an excellent intuitive healer. There's so much more to it than just learning how to read oracle cards or doing Reiki. By the end of the 9 months, you'll have everything you need.

Learn the easy way, with your own tribe of heart-centered, supportive people. You’ll have plenty of safe, nurturing opportunities to practice your new skills in a beautiful, sacred space.

You can ask your teachers anything. Not only have we had extensive training with top leaders in the field, we've been doing this work professionally and teaching for more than 15 years.

One of the best things about the program is you get to heal yourself too. This is one of the most important parts of becoming a great professional healer.

You can finally stop second-guessing yourself and really trust your guidance. Trust yourself. This is a healing program, awakening journey and professional training all rolled into one.

Are you ready to truly heal and make a difference in the world doing work that feeds your mind, body, soul and heart?
If you're getting a YES, take the first step!

Learn more about the Program Here:


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Awakened Living
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6557 Superior Ave · Sarasota, FL
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