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Akashic Records Readings and Mulitdimensional Light Transmissions with Akasha

Photo of Jen Akasha Smith, PhD(c)
Hosted By
Jen Akasha Smith, P.
Akashic Records Readings and Mulitdimensional Light Transmissions with Akasha


Call 9413125630 to book your session with Akasha.

Schedule 1 or 1.5 hour to do both an Akashic Records Reading and Healing and a Multidimensional Light Transmission.

Your Akashic Records are a deeply sacred place where everything you've ever done or will do is stored. It's a vibrational frequency that exists in a multidimensional realm. We access them using prayer.

In an Akashic Records Reading and Healing, you can discover your past and future lives, connect with your Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and Angels. Get guidance on your soul essence and purpose. Discover your sacred contracts with people. Get a better understanding of the karmic lessons you're learning and how you're helping others on their path. You can also get clearer about next steps to take so that you may be in alignment with your True Self and The Highest Good. The entire time you're in your records you are receiving healing. You can also ask for healing with specific things.

In a multidimensional light transmission, a special, energetic sanctuary for you to receive powerful healing light and love. You lay on a relaxing healing table in the center of the room. Then you share what you most want in your life. After that you simply relax and recieve. Through the channeled transmission of sound, movement and energy healing, beautiful, loving lightbeings come in to support you. Think of it like an upgrade, energetic healing, clearing and activation all in one. Many people share that they see results in their lives right away. They also leave feeling more relaxed and at peace.

Photo of Awakened Living group
Awakened Living
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Every week on Friday until February 26, 2025

Wild Ginger Apothecary
6557 Superior Ave · Sarasota, FL
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