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What we’re about

This is a great and exciting opportunity for those that have been wanting to learn astrology or learn about astrology for either personal or professional reasons.

You do not require any previous Astrology knowledge, as we will learn - How to read a birth chart - from the very basics.

In this course you will learn how to read a horoscope/ birth chart focusing on the following subjects but not limited to:

  • What is a horoscope/ birth chart
  • What are houses and their significations
  • What planets we deal with and their characteristics and significations
  • Zodiac Signs, their rulers and characteristics
  • Movable (Cardinal) signs, Fixed signs and Dual signs
  • Fire signs, earth signs, air signs and water signs
  • Meaning of planets through different houses
  • Conjunctions and aspects of planets

After completing this course you will be able to analyze the birth chart of any individual and determine their nature, outlook and the events they will face in their lifetime.

This course is being offered at no cost.