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What we’re about

Welcome! We’re a group of fun, outgoing women looking to explore, mingle, and meet new people. Whether you’re new to town or an RVA native, come and join us as we enjoy happy hours, brunches, hikes, and more! A $5 annual fee is kindly requested for membership.

No Show and Same-Day Cancellation Policy: Being respectful of your RSVP allows everyone a chance to attend an RSVP-limited event or those requiring tickets or reservations. We appreciate your understanding and mindfulness of event RSVPs!

While we understand that life happens, please be aware that “no shows” (e.g., you RSVPd but didn’t show up to an event) will result in removal from the group. Additionally, two instances of canceling an RSVP within 5 hours of an event may result in removal from the group.

Upcoming events (2)

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