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What we’re about

Let's get together and feel all right ... Bob Marley.

From the beating heart of Melbourne’s amazing CBD to the grungy inner and outer suburbias, southeastern leafy suburbs, the outer reaches of its cosmopolitan northern suburbs … wine regions, yes, we do regional too ... this group aims to enjoy all that our fair city and region have to offer …

In this MeetUp group, we talk about members' interests, and ideas and create events ...

We create events, such as dinners, lunches, coffees, movies, walks, music, operas, theatres, festivals, picnics, drinks, day trips … overseas travels (when possible), and food-related community support.

We are a private group, aiming to have less than 150 active members, we aimed for quality connections, and not quantity. As members, what we would like to achieve is to engage with other members by participating in or even organising events, we talk about members' interests and ideas.

It is not our intention to have thousands of inactive members, as nobody wants to be inundated with unrelated emails and maybe unwanted messages, we shall remove non-active members within 2 months of their last event. Safety is paramount within our events as we care about our members' safety, hence we are a private group, and we do not need to have stalkers actively targeting our members.

Community inclusion, we accept everyone, regardless of your background.

When joining, we would like to put a face to a name ... so we ask for a clear portrait photo of your face with your given name provided.

General "common sense" on RSVP,
When you RSVP to an event - PLEASE NOTE, in fairness to all who want to be a part of this meetup.
The Group’s Events Hosts are accountable to each venue when making reservations, and our group intends to honour venues that have set aside their capacity for us, hence we expect our members to honour their RSVP. So please ensure when you accept, that you intend on coming. We understand that well-planned intentions change, and that's ok. We respectfully ask that you update your RSVP as soon as it changes. ... extended non-participation, late cancellations or 3 no-shows will see your membership revoked and your place made available to the next prospective member requesting to join.

Should you no longer wish to participate in future Group activities that are posted, please feel free to advise the organisers with reasonable notice, or please remove yourself from the Group.

If this is the type of Group that you would like to be actively part of, then you are most welcome to join us.

We will ask members to contribute towards the coverage of yearly MeetUp fees by way of a gold coin donation at events. Excess MeetUp funds are donated to Community Groups, such as the Monday Soup Kitchen and Coffee Van at Queen Victoria Market.

We welcome you on behalf of all our members, hosts, and event organisers!

Looking forward to seeing you soon, and "Let's get together and feel all right".
