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What we’re about

This is a support group for anyone currently struggling, intermittently struggling or previously struggles with an eating disorder. This is a safe space to work through the challenges that arise when battling an eating disorder. Together we can share our struggles and journeys and work together to heal and overcome these maladaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms. Join us in deep discussions, Journaling practices and other healing modalities as we get to the root of our struggles. This is not a formal event just a space to talk and be supported by people who can relate. I am a nurse, transformational life coach, weight management coach and certified personal trainer. Most of my career has been spent helping those who struggle with eating disorders and cooccuring mental health disorders. As a survivor myself, it's my life mission to help others take back their life from the grips eating disorders, diet culture and unsustainable practices that are so heavily pushed in the media and fitness culture.

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