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What we’re about

We run joint events with:

Join us as we connect with people from around the globe, sharing a passion for healthy sustainable lifestyle, respect for the environment and value for all living things.

Our goal is to bring people together, build friendships and find connection through common values.

For events we welcome all adults and members children aged 12+. There is no age limit for filed trips or excursions.

We grew through a shared enthusiasm for great food, a healthy lifestyle and kindness to all animals and plants. It started in a home with 4 people and has now grown to be one of the largest, active, social eat positive communities in Zurich, Switzerland.

An opportunity for all people who love to eat vegan and glutenfrei options in Zurich ;)

We look forward to seeing you soon :)

Tyrone and EatPositive Team

Eat Positive, Live Positive, Stay Positive


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With respect to our members who are originally from abroad and don't understand German or Swiss German (yet), this group's official language for all announcements, and presentations is English.

Aus Rücksicht zu unseren ausländischen Mitgliedern, die (noch) kein Deutsch verstehen, unterhalten wir uns auf dieser Meetup-Seite und an unseren Anlässen auf Englisch.