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What we’re about

Men’s roles continue to evolve and challenge our sense of who we are, and how to be authentic men in a changing world. The Men’s Mindfulness Project is a chance for us to meet and discuss what it means “to be a man” and how we may use this awareness to improve our lives.

Do the old stereotypes of manhood continue to serve us today? If you were raised to be a man, how did that experience shape you? The Men’s Mindfulness Project will shine a light on these challenges and others. We will consider ways to strengthen our identities and self-esteem as men, to be open to change, and to build positive and rewarding relationships moving forward.

The 75-minute online meetings feature open, constructive, and supportive small group discussions just for men guided by selected mindfulness exercises. We study the contributions of several prominent authors and discuss a variety of viewpoints on the topics of manhood and positive masculinity.

While this is strictly a men's group, we recognize women as important allies in this work. Women are encouraged to assist by discussing with men in their lives the usefulness of a group that promotes positive masculinity and integrated men. We welcome this assistance with much gratitude.

The Men’s Mindfulness Project, also know as the Shine a Light Men's Project, is non-political, non-religious and non-judgmental, and openly invites differing points of view whenever relevant. This openness is crucial to fostering healthy and positive aspects of masculinity in our families and communities.

All persons identifying as men are welcome to participate in project activities including cisgender, gay, trans, queer and nonbinary individuals. All are welcome here.

Read the companion blog for more information about this group, and to find links to each session's recommended readings:

The Shine a Light Men's Project is affiliated with Joyful Mind Zendo Inc. of Rockville, Maryland, Martine Taikai Palmiter, Guiding Teacher. While the Men's Project is not Zen practice, it is an application of Engaged Zen principles to worldly problems.

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