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Conversation française dans Coral Gables

Photo of Michael D. Powers
Hosted By
Michael D. P. and 2 others
Conversation française dans Coral Gables


Join us for an afternoon of language exchange and casual conversations in French! Whether you're a French student looking to improve your language skills, an expat wanting to connect with others, or simply someone who loves French culture, this event is for you. Our meetup group provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for French speakers of all levels. Share stories, practice your French with native speakers, and make new friends who share a passion for the Francophone culture. Come and immerse yourself in a fun and interactive way to learn and practice French while enjoying the company of like-minded individuals. A bientôt!

  1. We will be sitting outside under the umbrellas and holding informal conversations in French about a myriad of topics. You will be able to buy a variety of food from Le Café and visit with others in French. It is very relaxing and conducive to spend some time together. We will be meeting from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Le Parc Café closes at 6:00 PM on Saturdays.
  2. We will be discussing two topics at this meeting. 1) Do you think it's important for children to learn a second language when they are in elementary school? Pensez vous qu'il est important que les enfants apprennent un deuxiéme lang quand ils son petits? Pourquoi? 2) Do you think properties and rents are too high in Miami currently? What about property prices? What could be done to help solve this problem? Pensez-vous que le prix des maison et des loyers sont trop élevés a Miami actuellment? A votres avis, qu'est-ce qui rend les pris de l'immobilier si élevés? Quelle ourrait étre une solution a ce probleme?
Photo of Miami French Speaking Community Meetup Group group
Miami French Speaking Community Meetup Group
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Le Parc Cafe
997 N Greenway Dr, · Coral Gables , FL
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