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Living Without Religion: Support Group

Photo of Kalai Mugilan
Hosted By
Kalai M.


We will follow all the rules of counseling. This is not a counseling group, but, we will support each other like a support group.
To Build Humanist Support Systems

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality a Must. What is said in the group, stays in the group.
  2. No advising
  3. No retelling and absolute confidentiality even to the speaker. Stories shared cannot be brought up without permission even to the storyteller.
  4. No telling of own stories when listening.
  5. Equal time for all unless passed.
  6. Listening to the emotions behind the story and as early as someone can tell it.

Come prepared. The host will lead. We will use a timer. We will remind you of your goodness and goodness sake is enough. Meetup is not letting me post the address, so, please text 205 243 7747 for the address.
This meetup will be a sharing session where participants can learn about what's been going on in each other's lives on a more personal basis, and offer each other support as a group. Instead of hearing from one speaker like we normally do, this time we'll get the chance to go around the room and learn something about each other. This month we'll feature Patrick, a longtime humanist and member of HAMTN, who will tell us about a personal challenge he is facing and his plans for overcoming it, and the personal growth he has been experiencing as a result. Sharing something with the group is optional, so you're welcome to offer an update or not, whatever you're comfortable with. See you there!

Photo of Middle Tennessee Humanist Group group
Middle Tennessee Humanist Group
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