Models and Mirrors Set & Lighting Workshop

Model and Mirror Reflections Set Design Workshop
Save lots of Moolah$$$$$$$. Learn to create and shoot your own sets. We will talk about and demonstrate a simple way to create sets that can be used in every application. This subject comes from my book on set design in limited spaces. Use for portraits, fashion, boudoir, and more.
I will also demonstrate techniques as we take turns photographing a fashion model for this workshop. Lighting is a major part of working with any backdrop as well as creating the correct perfect placement on your subjects. Learn to use a small space to accomplish these set ups.
Don't miss out, this workshop has limited space .
Call me for any questions
Workshop price is $97.
The models tip is $70. cash only
The Schedule time is from 10:00am -100:pm
See you soon.
If you have any questions call me at
Steve Ragland

Models and Mirrors Set & Lighting Workshop