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Event organizers wanted ☺️

Photo of Walter De Marco
Hosted By
Walter De M.
Event organizers wanted ☺️


⭐️ ⭐️ NOTE: This is not an event, but just an ANNOUNCEMENT for all group members ⭐️ ⭐️

every group needs leaders and/or guides to plan and lead group activities. If you have any experience in outdoor activities, and are able to spend a few hours per month helping our community, you are welcome to join our Organizer Team.
This would be a precious opportunity to improve your communication and leadership skills. You will also be free to choose what you organize and when.

⭐️ If you are interested, please contact the Group organizer, Walter via Meetup or email at the address below. ⭐️


Thanks and happy trails!

The Organizer Team
Milano Outdoor Adventurers

Photo of Milano Outdoor Adventurers group
Milano Outdoor Adventurers
See more events

Every 1st Wednesday of the month until March 22, 2025

Needs a location
20 spots left