Thinking Biblically: Bible Prophecy, Ancient Empires, and End-Times Politics.
We are going to discuss issues surrounding what the Bible says about politics, leaders, and empires such as the USA. We will also look at historical truths and relate it to Biblical examples.
We will discuss:
-Ancient empires, paganism and how it has slipped into our present empire and culture
-Ancient Sumerian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman religions and how intertwined the state was with it. How does our current government compare?
-Washington DC and its' Freemason origins and Bible Prophecy
We will read and STUDY the following:
1 Samuel 8
1 Samuel 10
Daniel 2
Daniel 7
Revelation 13
Revelation 17/18
Hosea 5-9
And others
Is a democracy a good thing?
What was the system of gov YHWH gave Israel?
In Athens, all laws and court cases were decided by the Assembly (ekklēsia), a massive democratic body in which every male citizen had a say.
Has democracy become a replacement of the ekklesia of King Jesus Christ?
Meeting ID: 895 2471 0213
Passcode: (PASSCODE is the name of the nation of peoples chosen by God to be His Kingdom of Priests. The 12 tribes of this nation are the names of the 12 gates of New Jerusalem. Jacob had his name changed to this.)
Thinking Biblically: Bible Prophecy, Ancient Empires, and End-Times Politics.