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What we’re about

Has your world be turned upside down by changing hormones? Do you feel like you don't even know yourself anymore, or that the earth is shifting under your feet?

The Menopausal years and the symptoms we experience are disregarded by our culture. And yet, in ancient times women who had ceased having their periods were considered the Wise Women, and their dreams and visions were highly valued.

This drop-in group is hosted by Lisa Lowe, experienced Mindful Menopause Maven, to explore physical, emotional, mental, nutritional, energetic blocks to thriving in this magical season of life.

Each session will include a check-in, a topic of the week (such as "how to handle hot flashes", or "why do I feel so angry", or "what now?") followed by a mindfulness practice, meditation, or journal prompt for you to work with on your own.

Each session stands on its own, but topics may build upon each other, depending on the groups needs.

Lisa is an experienced and certified Mindfulness teacher and coach, a physician of Asian Medicine for over 20 years, and a Functional Wellness consultant. She has worked with over 1000 women going through hormonal, emotional and spiritual challenges related to the menopausal transition!