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Harnessing the Power of the Second Spring, a Meno-Wisdom™ forum

Photo of Lisa Lowe
Hosted By
Lisa L.
Harnessing the Power of the Second Spring, a Meno-Wisdom™ forum


How would it be, if our culture celebrated and revered your passage into menopause and beyond?

Many of us have been led to believe that menopause means that we're going to be dried up, withered, and miserable. Women beyond 50 often describe feeling "invisible", and "unsexy". Certainly our media has been a huge part of this, but so have the stories told to us by our mothers and grandmothers.

In traditional Chinese Medicine, the menopausal years are referred to as the "Second Spring", and older women were revered for their wisdom and experience. They were truly considered wise women!

Meno-Wisdom™ is a place where we hold each other in loving community as we share stories and learn from each other.

Led by Lisa Lowe, Chinese Medicine practitioner and Meno-Wisdom™ guide.
Come with your open heart and curiosity!

Photo of Mind-Body Coaching for Women in Menopause group
Mind-Body Coaching for Women in Menopause
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