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What we’re about

Welcome to Mistress Counsel Meetup, where you can trust to be supported as "The Other Woman", "The Mistress", the “Girlfriend”, the “Lover”. You have become the 3rd in a secret relationship.
Lead by Ashley a certified Hypnotist. A safe, female built community guiding & supporting you on your personal journey of healing from the wounds of post affair, the conflicting highs & lows or continuing pursuits.
You are welcome, with open hearts & open minds of other Mistress's. Join us as we come together to cultivate a sense of peace, balance, and empowerment in our lives.
Let's support each other on this transformational journey towards healing and self-discovery.
Together, we create a coven, the Cosmic Mistress Counsel, dedicated to rebuilding resilience, confidence, inner peace, fulfillment and gratification in our lives moving forward.