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What we’re about

Board Games - Card Games - Miniature Games - Role Playing Games

Mitten State Tabletop Gamers has been around for over a decade creating gaming events for all to attend. MSTG was formerly known as West Michigan Tabletop Gamers (WMTG), and it's nice to see someone else picked up our torch to carry on the name for the sake of gaming here on Meetup. You see, we all love spreading the gospel of gaming!

MSTG will generally have hosting locations where we often meet throughout the year: Barnes and Noble, Churches, GrandCon Gaming Convention, Libraries, Personal Homes, and Schuler Books just to name a few. MSTG is definitely a great way for gamers to stay to connected with friends, new and old, and play the games we love.

Our Facebook group is here:

If you ever wish to submit an event to host or run, please contact any one of the event organizers to assist you getting it up on the calendar. Let us know, but maybe you would like to be an event coordinator too?

Warmest Regards,
Founder | MSTG | WMTG