Annual late Fall holiday weekend Caughlin Ranch Blacktop Sunset Walk
Let's spend a couple hours this beautiful late Fall strolling along the beautifully-landscaped blacktop walkways on the west side of the Caughlin Ranch area, up against the Sierras. Waterfowl, great Sierra views and relaxing environment, just the ticket for a weekend's end. Sunset 435pm.
Directions: Take West McCarran to the southerly Caughlin Parkway (where Raley's shopping center is). Turn R/West (if coming south from I-80) and follow Caughlin Parkway past the shopping center, past Village Green Dr. intersection, then L at Turning Leaf Way, and park along the street (carefully) across from the blacktop easement between 4865 &4871.
We will walk up to about 3.5-4 miles RT to the Mayberry and McCarran underpass and Besty Caughlin Donnelly Park, then reverse or as short as the group makeup and timing prefers.
Annual late Fall holiday weekend Caughlin Ranch Blacktop Sunset Walk