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Saturday Bike Ride

Photo of Audrey Urquidi
Hosted By
Audrey U.


L3 Arcadia/York/Adams Hill/Observatory · Ride with GPS

EXTREME HEAT OR RAIN OR OTHER WEATHER INCIDENTS MAY CUT RIDE SHORT OR CANCEL RIDE. Route subject to change, please check with ride leader Saturday morning for changes in route.

All Participants must understand and adhere to the following guidelines.
We want to have fun as a group, we enjoy each other’s company. The below are for the safety of the group. Violation of any of these rules could jeopardize the safety of your fellow Participants and could cause your removal from our group. We need to take of each other, we are a cycling family!
· Bicycles are subject to all the rules and regulations of the California Vehicle Code. As a cyclist you can still be issued a traffic ticket by law enforcement, this will go on your driving record. Obey all traffic laws, traffic signals, and signs.
· As an adult, know the route, download the route prior to the ride or ride with someone who has the route.
· Ride as far to the right as is safely possible. Ride defensively, and predictably, and stay alert. Assume car drivers cannot see you.
· If you go thru a traffic signal, and the signal is turning yellow, call out “ROLLING” make sure that the rest of the group behind you has cleared the intersection. If they have not, pull over, when it’s safe, to your right and wait for the rest of the group to catch up. This is common courtesy.
· We are a no drop group, if you are ahead, remember to wait at all the major intersections or turns for the rest of the group to catch up. Make sure you know the route, do not assume a turn is to be made just because that is where YOU think it should be.
· Wear your helmet at all times when on your bicycle.
· If riding an electric bike or electronic assist bike, keep pace with the group. Do not venture ahead unless you are the ride leader.
· Be aware of keeping space between yourself and another rider, especially when riding side by side, keeping aware of cars.
· Communicate your intentions. Use verbal alerts to point out potential vehicle hazards. Use hand signals to indicate a right turn, left turn, stopping, or slowing. Alert others to potential hazards by pointing and calling out in a LOUD OUTSIDE VOICE.
· Look over your left shoulder before passing to make sure it is clear. Pass only when it is safe and pass only on the left. Before passing, call out loudly, “On your left!” If you are cycling as a group, each Cyclist must call out and pass only when it is safe.
· Never wear headphones while on your bike. The use of cell phones, iPods, speakers, cameras, or other electronic devices is prohibited while cycling.
· Keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times.
· Do not consume alcohol or use recreational drugs on rides.
· Emergency Procedures: If an accident occurs requiring medical services, call 911 immediately and direct traffic around the scene.
· Wait for emergency personnel to arrive. Do not move an injured person if they are unable to move themselves.
· Be courteous and respectful of others. Please be thoughtful in your conduct and choices, and sensitive to the feelings of your fellow participants. And remember, take care of one another.

Photo of Arcadia/East Pasadena/Monrovia Cycling group
Arcadia/East Pasadena/Monrovia Cycling
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Arcadia Park
405 S. Santa Anita Ave · Arcadia, CA
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