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Wired for Wholeness: Meeting Our Backbone, Brick Wall & Jellyfish Parents

Photo of Judi
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Wired for Wholeness: Meeting Our Backbone, Brick Wall & Jellyfish Parents


Please arrive at 6:20 to settle in. We will start at 6:30. Our circle is based on creating a circle of trust. If you arrive after 6:35 it might result in a wobble of the circle, therefore the door closes at that time. Thank you for doing your best to arrive well.

At this event, we will have the opportunity to befriend and harmonize with our eleven neurological Wholeness Companions who support us to both survive and thrive. Learn about these partners who live within all of us and how they lead us back home to ourselves. When we understand how our system operates, we can access life-affirming choices with more ease.

Learn more about the Wholeness Companion model here.

Our Circle Format (2 hours)

  • Very Helpful: Arrive early to settle in (6:20)
  • Check-in: Why did you choose to attend? What might you hope to leave with? (approximately 15 minutes)
  • I will introduce all of the Wholeness Companions to lay out the big picture (approximately 15 minutes)
  • We will do a deeper dive into the Wholeness Companion(s) highlighted for this event (approximately 15 minutes)
  • Together we will hold space for each other as we discuss our personal lived experience of the highlighted companion(s).
  • As a Somatic Spiritual Coach I may offer a group practice, if relevant.

You may want to bring a journal.

This is a free event and small donations are gratefully welcomed to fund the Meetup. Thanks for some cash in the bowl or an etransfer to [email protected], This is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Please read more about Our Standards of Presence on the ABOUT tab.

My heartfelt appreciation to Jill Bolte Taylor, Jan Winhall, and Richard Schwartz (IFS) for their inspiring work and foundational teachings, which have greatly influenced the development of these Wholeness Companions. Their contributions have been instrumental in shaping and enriching this model, and I am grateful for the wisdom and insights they have shared.

Photo of Montreal Wholeness Circle group
Montreal Wholeness Circle
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2070 Av. Van Horne
2070 Av. Van Horne · Montréal, QC
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