Get Rid of your Fears and Anxieties
Are you too often in fear without even knowing why you feel that way? Is there an undefined anxiety part of your daily life? Are you wishing you could put your attention on the task at hand without elusive thoughts distracting you?
You’re not alone, too many people feel this way and reach for a pill which does not resolve the problem. It does not have to be that way. There are specific reasons why this occurs and when you know why, you have made the first step to conquering your fears and anxiety. A way out exists and you can walk it and see the sun shines at the other end.
You’re invited to a free introductory lecture on this particular topic. You will find out why you are feeling that way and why this is not going away, no matter what you do. You will also find out what you can do about it and take control of the situation instead of being the effect of it.
RSVP here on Meetup and come in person this coming Saturday, at 11:00am at the Scientology Moorpark Mission 6593 Collins Dr D-16, Moorpark Campus Plaza. We are located on the first level as you climb the stairs, on the right. All are welcome. Please RVSP if you’re coming.
If you have any questions, please email me via meetup or call/text 323-203-2616
See you there,
#feelingoffearandanxiety #feelingoffearinchest #feelingoffearinstomach #feelingoffearofrnoreason #feelingofanxiety #feelingofanxietyinchest
#feelingofanxietyattack #feelingofanxietyinstomach #feelingofanxietyaftereating #feelingofanxietyfornoreason
#feelingofanxietyinchestfornoreason #feelingofanxietyandnausea
Every last Saturday of the month
Get Rid of your Fears and Anxieties