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carpool . . . Carpool . . . CARPOOL. All things Carpool

Photo of Anna B.
Hosted By
Anna B. and Oddie
carpool  . . . Carpool . . . CARPOOL. All things Carpool


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Including: Notice of Non-Discrimination, General Refunds Policy, Cancelation Policies as well as General Liability and Safety Policies/Procedures/Practices

This event your are reading now is about Carpool

You will ONLY get carpool information IF you fill out the Event Attendee Form
On the the Form just make sure to "Check Box" your event(s).

Carpool info ONLY GOES OUT One Week before departure.

  • We don't send it out earlier as things things change. It results in you having several versions of schedules or info . . . and that's bad.
  • Same thing for carpools. Set them up too early and they fall apart.
  • People cancel.
  • If your pool cancels . . .they usually contact to get a refund. They often forget to tell the folks pooling with them. Big sadness.
  • Another reason not to do early is those that sign on at the last min . . .. then have nothing.
  • So the last week to week and a half is when the real action starts to happen.

How to use the carpool info? You will get a matrix sorted by zip code.

  1. Open the link
  2. Find persons located close to you.
  3. THEN look to see if they are coming with others. If they are, there is a higher chance they are already in a pool.
  4. THEN look to see if they want to carpool or not.

Persons most likely to pool will be those closer to you, who are not already pooling, and who want to pool. Of course . . . you can send to others. But your chances go down.


IF you are in a pool and already full. OR you do not want to pool or you are NOT going . . . Just update on the Form Link

To Carpool: Send them a note saying you would like to Carpool.
AND SAY you would like to

  1. Ride
  2. Drive
  3. Either ride or drive.

And say how you are willing to contribute.

If you are wanting to be a passenger. . . . I suggest you are as accommodating as possible and willing to get to the location. And offer to split gas among the passengers only. The driver is putting miles on the car as well as going to get it dusty on the inside and bugs on the outside. They will need to get a wash after. You offer to pay for gas split among the passengers. They pay no gas and put miles on the car. A fair trade. And they have cash (not spent on gas) to remove the evidence of the weekend fun from the car.

HINT: This carpool list only works if you reach out. IF you wait to be contacted you may not get a ride.

NOTE NOTE NOTE. There may be some folks who are cancels who are still on this list. It happens. Don't wait for an answer before you contact the next person. But be prompt and communicate in a timely manner with all involved if "yes" or "no".

LAST ISSUE. Some people said they do NOT want be in a carpool. They are still included. Don't reach out to them first.

For this part of the event . . . do not let perfect be the enemy of good.

This list will not be perfect. There are errors. And this method is not perfect. It's still better than other ways, . . .and more importantly . . .it works!!

AND/OR if you have questions?

For Marc (screen name Oddie) Direct Message


We do a Local Camping Zoom Q & A once a month . . .
. . . . Meet others attending, be social, or come and get any questions answered.

Google Form to get Reminder for the zoom

Come to the zoom and ask any questions. Great way to get the info you want without all the other fluff. As well as meet other attendees.

We believe in good decent social. We have a set of sister group we post our local free, local/reginal camping, and our overseas events to.

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