Neighborhood Hike: Greenbelt
This 6.5mi moderate hike is half paved & has subtle elevation changes, albeit 1 hill. Pace: 3mph. The trek traverses the town of Greenbelt, first encircling Buddy Attick Lake then wandering through woodland, featuring a placid path paralleling the cataclysmic Canyon Creek which involves hopping over twice. After viewing an ominous observatory the circuit passes community gardens before returning to suburbia, concluding through the historic 'Roosevelt Center' plaza. Highlights include the 60 stairs of Insanity, a tasteless tunnel, & symbolizing sculptures (pictured). An authentic amble!
1. Trail Forecast= Town MAP; Trails MAP | Boots advised. 1 MAJOR MUD meander.
2. Post-social @New Deal Cafe
3. Interested in listening to an Orchestral show in town in the PM? See the Greenbelt Concert Band here.
A 'yes/ attending' RSVP is your digital signature that you've read, understood, & agreed to the group's Liability Wavier hyperlinked here: Mosaic Activity Sign In sheet.pdf - Google Drive
Neighborhood Hike: Greenbelt