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Mosaics Intermediate Korean

Photo of Paul Karell
Hosted By
Paul K. and 4 others
Mosaics Intermediate Korean


Welcome to Mosaics Intermediate Korean! We are delighted that you have joined us.

Here is the updated schedule for Intercultural Mosaics in 2024.

Discover the Intercultural Mosaics for Fall 2024! Join us from September 7th to December 14th for a vibrant selection of classes and activities.

Zoom meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Fridays at Here’s the schedule:

Zoom Meetings on the 2nd and the 4th Fridays

• 4 pm: Advanced Korean with Stephen
• 5 pm: Intermediate Conversational Chinese with Sam
• 6 pm: Intermediate Conversational Japanese with Mutsumi
• 7 pm: Beginning Chinese with Jane
Additionally, online German Language & Culture (with Honna) Zoom meetings will take place on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 2 pm at the same link.

For in-person gatherings, meet us every Saturday on the 2nd floor of Phoenix Hall, Davis Community Church:

• 3 pm: Tai Chi with Daniel (North Room)
• 3 pm: Beginning Korean with Stephen (Youth Room)
• 4 pm: Intermediate Korean with Stephen (Youth Room)
• 4 pm: Beginning Spanish with Viviana (North Room)
• 4 pm: Acoustic Guitar with Chad (Library)
• 5 pm: Beginning French with Seth (North Room)
• 5 pm: Spanish Singing with Phillip (Library)
• 5 pm: Beginning Japanese with Norio (Youth Room)
• 6 pm: Mosaics Dinner Fellowship (2nd Floor)
• 7 pm: Watercolor & Acrylic Painting Art Group with Zhannur (Youth Room)
• 7 pm: English Learners Group with Linda & Chad (Library)
• 7 pm: Bible Study and Meditation Group with Stephen (Youth Room)
• 8 pm: Mosaics Activities (2nd Floor)

For more details about Mosaics Intercultural Classes and Activities, visit or contact Dr. Stephen Moon at 916-217-5470 (cell) or email [email protected]. Thank you for your interest!

Photo of Intercultural Mosaics group
Intercultural Mosaics
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Every week on Saturday until February 28, 2025

Davis Community Church
412 C St · Davis, CA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location