Saturday Morning Run club
Saturday mornings begin promptly at 8:30am (plan to arrive at least 5 minutes before). We meet outside Starbucks (1380 Pear Ave. Mountain View). We start off with introducing ourselves, and then walk a block to warm up. As we make our way to the Stevens Creek Trail (at La Avenida) the organizer leads in a short time of active stretching. Our run is usually just a little over 3 miles, although you could go farther or do a shorter distance if you wish (and you can walk too!). (Directions for the run: From La Avenida turn left onto the Steven's Creek Trail. Run until the first bridge on the right. Cross the bridge and turn left. Run on the dirt trail to the next bridge on the left. Take that bridge. Turn left after crossing it. Run back to La Avenida. Turn right on Inigo Way. Turn left on Pear heading back to Starbucks). After our run we meet back at Starbucks for a fun social time. We have runners of all levels. We look forward to meeting you and running together!
Every week on Saturday
Saturday Morning Run club