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Imagine Gaming VR Club

Photo of Frank Waters
Hosted By
Frank W.
Imagine Gaming VR Club


Imagine VR Club seeks to introduce its members to the ever growing phenom known as virtual reality, foster the skills needed to create content in VR and work alongside others in doing so, and connect its members to resources around the community that can provide even further.

Since then, VR has exploded and the ever hastening current of technological revolution has made VR development a very exciting field to be in. Because VR is becoming a household name, the focus now is less on making people aware of VR and more so in making VR routinely accessible to as many people as possible. VR Club seeks to provide a friendly and social space in which members can stop by to play and learn about VR.

As of Spring 2023, MyKingstonKids has 10 Oculus Quest Headsets, with a number of games and immersive experiences. We are based at 231 Clinton Ave Kingston NY. Members are welcome to bring their own tech, but can rent one if needed.

We meet starting September 27th, from 5:00 pm-7:00 pm, and then every 3rd Thursday of the month. Membership is $20/mo with a $40 discount if you pay for the year in full. Club members must be 11 yrs and up. Light refreshments will be available at meeting.

Photo of MyKingstonKids group
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Every 4th Wednesday of the month

231 Clinton Ave
231 Clinton Ave · Kingston, NY
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