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What we’re about

Welcome to The Mystic Meetup, a group for discussing spirituality, mysticism, philosophy, literature/poetry/mythology, and comparative religion - outside the constraints of institutionalized dogma!

I wanted to name it "Dead Poets Society", after the movie, but meetup wouldn't let me for whatever reason.

The basic structure of the group will be for each person to suggest a topic and then we all vote on what to discuss. We will set time limits per speaker as necessary, per meeting, by voting. There is no leader, these are the only rules and the topics can be about anything listed above.

The goal is to exchange ideas, challenge our beliefs, and find spiritual tools and commonality in a world where these things seem to be lacking and the words "spirituality" and "mysticism" have been all but sullied by social media influencers, certain members of the scientific community, cults... you get the point.

The idea for this group was inspired in part by Joseph Campbell (author of "Hero Of a Thousand Faces"), a world renowned author/teacher who wrote about spirituality, mysticism and comparative mythology & religion. Campbell has had a big impact on how I view the world and the mystery of life. Possibly his most popular book is "The Hero with a Thousand Faces", in which he describes a common pattern present in many, many myths from all around the word, which he called the "Hero's Journey".

I feel (and understand Campbell's message to be) that in understanding the through lines in world mythology and religions, we could have an easier time coming together, putting our differences aside and discovering how we can collectively make steps towards achieving rich, fulfilling spiritual lives.

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