We bring the Vihangam way to empower you to advance from perpetually flickering mind to serene mind, connect with your observing self and evolve to a grander version of yourself.
Join, learn and practice in our Saturday morning weekly meditation- 6:30 AM to 7:00 AM (East Africa Time)
Please fill the attached form for us to understand Your Needs well and help you with a satisfying session. https://forms.gle/tANr2aDRfSPjgv4W9
30 Minutes of Deep Meditation Practice (Vihangam Yog)
- Ancient meditation technique of Vihangam Yog (Religion Neutral Practical meditation science)
- From realized experience of Himalaya Yogi Sadguru Sadafal Deo who revived this lost science through 17 years of ardent practice
What You need ?
- Commitment of 30 Minutes at prescribed time
- Your desire to overcome restlessness arising from constant chit chat in your mind
- Strong will to discover your Purpose through self reflection and connect
- Curiosity about Divine
You can Join our what's Group for closer communication, guidance and group motivation using link https://chat.whatsapp.com/KGvbyhMhkI61B4l7DHHdeH
For more information, you can whats app on +254 7188 41824