Hearing Voices Family and Friends
This is a support group for family members and close friends of people who hear voices, see things others do not see, have multiple identities and/or other unusual experiences or beliefs. Every meeting is facilitated by family members of voice hearers who strive to create a supportive place for participants to talk about their experiences without judgement, ridicule, or unsolicited advice.
Closed captioning is available.
Meetings are virtual via Zoom.
One in ten people hear voices, making it as common as being left-handed. As a member of the Hearing Voices Network, this group provides a setting for people to share their experiences and benefit from a valuable exchange of first-hand expertise. Members tell their personal stories, listen empathetically to each other, and offer support.
We invite you to join us five minutes before the group starts. Everyone who arrives by 1:05pm will be admitted into the meeting. After 1:05pm, you may not be admitted based on group capacity. No one will be admitted after 1:30pm.
Every 1st Wednesday of the month until May 24, 2025
Hearing Voices Family and Friends