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Community Product Share for UX Feedback - in collaboration with Nashville UX

Photo of Katie Merth
Hosted By
Katie M. and 3 others
Community Product Share for UX Feedback - in collaboration with Nashville UX


Join us on Wednesday, Oct 9th at Vaco to share your UX knowledge by providing feedback on innovative new products and services.

Sponsored by Vaco
With support from 31 Digital & Trinetix

These local entrepreneurs want your help:

Arc networking - Alex Wilhelm
We connect you with people who share similar experiences across a wide range of careers, helping you build meaningful connections and expand your network.

Community Engagement App (Meetupbrite 4.0) - Jeff Dunn

Product/Service 3 - TBD (reach out if you're interested in getting feedback on your product / feature / service!)

Product/Service 4 - TBD

This is a great opportunity to support Nashville talent, learn more about designing for different industries, and practice giving vital and constructive design feedback.

The Format:

  • We will have local community leaders give a short presentation on their product or service (user flows, features, challenges, existing data, etc.)
  • The group will provide feedback on the product or service, focused on user/customer experience


  • 6-6:30pm: “Happy Hour” and networking
  • 6:30-7:30pm: UX review and feedback session for tech entrepreneurs
  • 7:30-8pm: Wrap-up and networking

Refreshments, Food, and Location provided by Vaco Brentwood

Also thanks to 31 Digital & Trinetix for supporting the NashUX and Nashville Product meetups.

Photo of Nashville Product Meetup group
Nashville Product Meetup
See more events
Vaco Nashville
5410 Maryland Way #460 · Brentwood, TN
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location