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What we’re about

Are you having difficulties with raising your children? Are you wondering whether you're being as good a parent as you want to be? Do you wish you knew more about parenting? Would you like your kids to be doing better at school, in their relationships or just overall? Have you ever felt bad after getting upset at your kids and wondered whether you were over-reacting, under-reacting or mis-reacting?

What if you could learn the “tech” to raising happy and productive children? You can find answers to all of your questions. Raising your youngsters and teens does not have to be a struggle. It can be one of your most rewarding experiences.

But since children do not come with a manual, the question remains: How? How can you best help them grow into happy, upstanding citizens operating on their own initiative? Learn what you can do as a parent to give your children a brighter, happier and more prosperous future.

When you understand and use the knowledge and tools you need, you can help your child become a self-determined, happy and contributing member of the family—and an asset to society.

In our free, weekly meetups, we will cover:
What to do if you feel you can’t control your child.
How you can help solve a child’s problems.
Why children get angry and how to swiftly heal the upsets.
What exactly does being a good parent entail?
What to do when they get out of hand.

Join us to discover how to be a great parent, how parenting works and exactly what can be done about your parenting troubles. Learn basic principles of raising children, tweens and teens so you can provide the solid foundation from which they can grow and be successful.

This meetup is sponsored by the Dianetics and Scientology Life Improvement Center of Greater Cincinnati in Florence, KY.