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Meet & greet / open forum for your causes

Photo of Derek Beiter
Hosted By
Derek B.
Meet & greet / open forum for your causes


For our second event, let's meet up for food and/or drinks at The Post (Maplewood)! We're still getting to know each other, so this will be casual. One slight difference from our first event is that I'm encouraging attendees (and it's totally optional) to talk about an organization you volunteer with or work at to make an appeal for how we can further your goals and causes. If you can bring in a guest speaker now or in the future, that would be amazing as well. The more we grow in numbers, we'll have organizations who want to tap in to our social capital! Also, feel free to shoot me your ideas for future meetups, which could include opportunities for us to show up at an organziation as volunteers. But please nothing political, as we want to stay non-partisan and non-ideological.

Photo of Network of Volunteers, Social Entrepreneurs, and Public Policy group
Network of Volunteers, Social Entrepreneurs, and Public Policy
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