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What we’re about

Hi, Welcome to New Adventures in Fife! We are a very friendly, welcoming bunch of people of all ages from 20s – 70s. 
We like to do a wide range of activities – some more active than others! Please note that with regards to our more physical activities, everyone is responsible for making sure they have the fitness level required - none of us or the group as a whole is responsible or liable for anyone else's well being or safety. Members join at their own risk. Please join us for an event soon. If there is something you want to suggest as a Meetup, either  contact me or one of the event organisers with details who will schedule it for you.
I need to pay for the website every 6 months, hence there is a joining fee of £5 per member. Please pay this asap, you will receive details for payment upon joining. Please feel free to contact me with any queries or suggestions. You can contact me by clicking on Contact next to the blue envelope under where it says Organisers at the left hand side of the group’s home page. I hope you enjoy New Adventures in Fife  and we look forward to meeting you soon :-)
When joining can I ask for you all to use a photo of yourself, not a cat, scenery or group photo etc. This helps when first meeting others. Also there is a lot of confusion with names as to who is who, we have four Ann, many Liz etc. Can you please put a surname as well . Our group is very popular and our members list growing , which is great. You can use the group as fits in with your life, I hope you join in. Hope to meet you soon.
Dave Martin, Group Organiser