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What we’re about

## What we're about

Come and join a great place to boost mental and physical health with opportunities for personal validation through healthy boundary negotiation and social connection in a non-sexualized environment where you can feel safe to be yourself as you practice good boundary setting and learn how to ask for what you want, say yes, say maybe, and say no, as well as learning how to accept no for an answer and be just fine ;)


It’s about experiencing social connection that is all about compassion, affection and touch. It’s about touch that is not about sex.

Wait - IS THERE such a thing?

Of course there is! Though not everyone knows it or how to find it.

One problem with finding comforting touch is that if you believe that touch is about sex, then either you are afraid it might lead to sex, or you are afraid it might not lead to sex. Not so helpful.

We humans need touch and affection. Welcome, nurturing, consensual touch is good for you. Good for your body, heart and spirit. Good for your blood pressure, your nervous system, your emotional health, your ability to connect with and trust people, your ability to respect and care for yourself, your creativity, sense of safety and comfort and belonging. Infants who are deprived of touch fail to thrive; we never outgrow the need.

Why is it so hard to find? Because for the most part, society today has linked touch with sexual relationship, or at least romance, hooking up or ‘attraction’.

What if touch can be just about being a human being who cares about other human beings and offering kindness, compassion, comfort and nourishment?

Cuddle Party is a movement to reclaim this option in our lives and

Come join us today.