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What we’re about

New organizer. Hopefully we can get some good things done together. Events will primarily be in person and hands on skills building with discussion.
All are welcome. Looking for a co-organizer who is interested in doing a few workshops or leadership projects.
Group is for people who invest their time and energy into learning and teaching one another. Emergency preparedness is now a priority for long term survival. You’ve probably noticed that inflation is at all time high and getting worse. Nothing will ever go back to pre-pandemic levels. Emergency preparedness helps when you lose a job or face a hurricane. It’s not just about nuclear war and super volcanoes.

Join a practical group workshop where we practice and discuss practical everyday skills and solutions for long term survival. Bugging out to the woods and camping for survival is a death sentence. Be better prepared and create your own mutual assistance plan with other members through networking and building partnerships. Some meetings can be hybrid if folks prefer it.
Our goal is to build a strong community of family connections. If you want to learn about something, then please ask on our message board, or come talk to people at our meetings. Our group is full of experienced enthusiasts who are eager to help you prepare for yourself and your loved ones.
Hurricanes, economic uncertainty, pandemic, nuclear proliferation, or just being prepared to self sustain for months after an individual loses a job. The possibility of any or all of these hang over our heads every day. But are any of us prepared to protect our families if something drastic should occur?
We are people who prepare. We may have different reasons for coming to the conclusion to prepare but we can learn from each other. The most important part of the preparation equation is yourself. You must prepare your mind and body. All the equipment in the world is not going to help if you yourself are not prepared. Anyone who prepares should join, both beginners and experienced are welcome.
We believe a group of like-minded people is better able to combine skills and ideas, and be much more prepared than any one individual working alone. Our goal is to build a strong community of family connections. Setting up a network, teaching and helping each other, and inspiring confidence and self-reliance when no other assistance is available are the initial goals of this group. Let's work together to provide our own safety net for ourselves and our families.
We are a group of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms, and preparing for disasters of all origins. This group is aimed at individuals that have an interest in gaining knowledge, acquiring new skills and networking with like-minded individuals that are preppers and survivalists.