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New York Philosophy Playground

Photo of Philosophy Playground
Hosted By
Philosophy P. and Adrian C.
New York Philosophy Playground


Free twice-monthly event, this time at 185 East Broadway. It’s the little entrance down the stairs from the sidewalk.

Enjoy getting a drink at the open bar for $10 or staying sober for free and casually discussing the big questions with a diverse group of people. Each session, we split into groups of four for discussion of the provided questions from 7:00 to 9:00. Then we re-group to exchange our best points together as a whole.

New themed questions for discussion are selected and vetted each time.

No previous knowledge or experience required. Any and all people and opinions welcome! The broader the range of perspectives the better.

Official time is from 7:00pm-9:00pm but all are welcome to stay longer.

(Donations appreciated)

More info:

Photo of The New York Philosophy Playground - Cafe Conversations group
The New York Philosophy Playground - Cafe Conversations
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Private Venue
185 East Broadway St. , · New York, NY
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