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What we’re about

Aim of the group and the events
Expand the realm of automation in the manufacturing industry. Empowering production floor technicians with knowledge on PLCs and control systems will make the automation more accessible and used widely.

Who should come
Everyone is invited. However the goal is to keep it technical but simple, for beginners and entry level technicians. It is for you if you are a engineering beginner, electrician, technician, factory floor maintenance personnel or TAFE student.

Aiming to cover
The goal is to cover the basics and answer the questions from the participants. Hands-on as much as possible. The following topics will be covered:
• Basics of PLC programming.
• Automation challenges and our solutions.
• How to select PLC and automation hardware.

Currently it will be myself and I'll ask Thisara (an engineer at ControlX) to present sometime in the future.
If you are interested to share your experience, let me know and we'll book a day for you.

The events are in-person and will be held monthly every second Thursday.