Meet other locals interested in Debian, a widely used distribution of free software developed through the collaboration of volunteers from around the world. Since its inception, the released system, Debian GNU/Linux, has been based on the Linux kernel with many basic tools of the operating system from the GNU project.
groepenGerelateerde onderwerpen:
Grootste groepen over Debian
San Fernando Valley Linux Users Group
763 Linux Enthusiasts | Van Nuys,Georganiseerd door Devon Stewart
Nieuwste groepen over Debian
Comunidade Debian MG
101 Members
Gestart op 1 jan in Belo Horizonte, br
Linux For All
261 Members
Gestart op 1 jan in Porto Alegre, br
Linux Center
358 Miembros
Gestart op 1 jan in Valencia, es
India Linux Users Group Delhi (ILUGD)
7939 Linux Users
Gestart op 1 jan in Delhi, in
Puebla Linux Users Group (PLUG)
50 Members
Gestart op 1 jan in Puebla, mx
LALUG - Landshuter Linux User Group - Stammtisch
45 Linux Users
Gestart op 1 jan in Landshut, de