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BA COLECTIVO: Foreigners & Locals 🎉

Photo of Kristin Vierra
Hosted By
Kristin V. and Michelle M.
BA COLECTIVO: Foreigners & Locals 🎉


Hola a todos!

Are you ready for a night of community and connection?

See below for more details.🎉🎉

Why was this started?
I launched this event over 2 years ago with the below inspiration/intention:
I’ve been traveling and living abroad for over 7 years, lived here in BA as an expat, and have always learned the most by connecting with locals. It’s a favorite part of living abroad and this lifestyle. I’ve also picked up many travel tips I WISH I knew earlier but had to learn the hard way. This event is designed to help foster community, connection and share the best tips & tricks from varied perspectives.

Giving back to local communities is also a huge part of the impact we can leave behind in this lifestyle. Nomads Giving Back’s mission is just that, giving back to the local communities we call ‘home away from home’ and nurturing connections between foreigners and locals. 🎉🌀 For more, check out the Nomads Giving Back and Nomads Skillshare communities.

In full transparency, here are our intentions for hosting these monthly events:

  • Fostering community building
  • Creating deeper connections
  • Encouraging cross-cultural connection & awareness
  • In-person connection (Given many of us are working on screen and in the virtual world daily)
  • Learning and sharing from diverse perspectives

If this event resonates with you and you're ready to learn and connect from diverse perspectives, please join us on Thursday, March 20th!

‼️ ATTENTION: Please complete this form before joining the event. This helps us orchestrate the event most effectively.

Meet us outdoors on the beautiful back patio of Piénsate Bravo. 🌸 Let's enjoy the patio before seasons change.

Event Details:
Date: Thursday, March 20th
Location: Piénsate Bravo
Cap. Gral. Ramón Freire 2252, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Time: 8:00 PM


  • Time for socializing and getting to know other attendees
  • Split into groups for a fun and collaborative guided activity Knowledge share between groups
  • Keep enjoying great company, drinks, and delicious food!

This is open to the public - all locals and foreigners are welcome!

We are taking a headcount to plan for the guided activity, so please let us know if you can join us via RSVP.

This event is structured and involves a guided connections activity. Please aim to arrive on time, as we’ll be starting the activity promptly at 8:30 PM. Feel free to order any food or drinks before we begin. If you're late, you might miss parts of the guided activity, but we'll support you in joining when you arrive. There will also be time for open socializing at the end.

Join us BACK for another night to foster community, connection, and knowledge exchange.

Nos vemos 😀

Photo of Nomads Giving Back! Buenos Aires Community group
Nomads Giving Back! Buenos Aires Community
See more events
Piénsate Bravo - Axe Bar
Cap. Gral. Ramón Freire 2252 · CABA, Be
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location