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What we’re about

I’m writing this on behalf of my mother, who is older and not computer savvy(she can do the basics, but does not like to). Her name is Jackie(80) and she LOVES canasta! She really, loves all kinds of card and boardgames, but canasta is what she really enjoys the most. She had a group, who met on Monday, mid-mornings, but a few of “the girls” have gone, moved or are now, unable to play. My mama really misses her Mondays, so I’m trying to find and put together, a new group of folks, who enjoy playing canasta. She also likes To play Mexican train, Rubik cube, Uno and a few others, backgammon , but Canasta is her absolute favorite! I do want to add, she’d love to relearn chess.
She lives in West Escondido, but because she no longer drives, I wanted (or preferred) to keep it relatively local. I’m willing to take her however many miles it takes, but I understand it’s easier for others, when they don’t have to drive far. For the safety and comfort of all players, initially, the group would meet up to play, at H & M’s- a family-type restaurant, in East Escondido. After a few game days and provided, the players are comfortable with each other, they can choose to (or not) do a “host rotation” instead. Meaning, the host would provide, drinks and either, snacks, a light lunch, or a dessert, at their home. This is merely, a view into how Mondays came to be, for “the girls” or rather, MY girl-my mama(A.k.a., Jackie). It’s not set in stone and can easily, be adjusted, tweaked or rearranged. I’m just hoping to find a few lovers of canasta, who live in Escondido, San Marcos, Rancho Bernardo, or even as far as Poway…and maybe Vista. If anybody is interested, please do, get in touch. Like I said, things can be changed. The time, day, etc. isn’t set in stone. Thank you.

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