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East Coast TAPRN (The American Preparedness Radio Net) Regional Sunday Night Net

Photo of Robinsons
Hosted By


This is NOT a preparedness meeting, but a preparedness Ham Radio Net that meets weekly on Sunday nights at the below frequency.

Anyone with a Ham Radio General license can participate in this net:

"East Coast (U.S.)

Standardized Frequency and Mode:
40 Meters – 7.242 MHz LSB (TAPRN Voice Net: Sundays at 9 PM EST)

*Because 7.242 may already be occupied, the Net Control Station may have to tune up the band for a clear frequency for each Sunday net. Outstations (that’s us) must tune to find the net, which announces itself precisely at 9 pm. A “pre-net” is usually in operation by 8:45 p.m., making finding the net and holding the freqency easier.

Click HERE ( to join the live Chatzy Chat Room during the Scheduled Nets. Use the Net Word of the Week ( as the Chatzy Password Informal Script:
This is [Your Call sign Phonetically] in [Your State], maintaining a listening watch on [Standard Frequency] for any preppers on frequency seeking information or looking to provide information. Please call [Your Callsign Phonetically].

*Use your FCC call sign (not your AmRRON call sign/code name) when participating in this net.

During the TAPRN net, there are a wide variety of prepper topics discussed. Click HERE ( to view the minutes from each net."

Photo of Northeast Florida Preparedness group
Northeast Florida Preparedness
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Every week on Sunday

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1234 I am Home Drive · Jacksonville, FL
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