What we’re about
## What we’re about
NORWICH WALK & TALK: We are a warm, welcoming and relaxed group with the main focus being to help improve your mental and physical wellbeing, connecting with like minded people, igniting a spark within you, regaining your sparkle, hope, inspiration and motivation, through talking and walking. It's all about everyday people inspiring and supporting each other through kindness, listening and empathy.
Who's it for?
People seeking to improve their mental health and physical wellbeing, and connect to likeminded souls. So whether you feel stressed, anxious, depressed, lonely due to your mental health, let's come together to share what's on our mind, listen to someone, or simply walk quietly in the company of others, surrounded by beautiful nature. Research has shown that being out in nature can be very healing, calming and relaxing.
Why did we create this group?
Both my son and I have had anxiety and depression in the past and overcome it, and wanted to create a relaxed and welcoming supportive space, as we know how hard it can be to reach out for help and support, talk to someone and share how you're feeling, and meet likeminded people. It can be so easy to put on that mask of happiness and positivity, when inside you are dying and feel so sad and want to give up. So my son and I have created this group, so that people can join together for a lovely walk and share if they want to, feel supported, and to help people who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing, who may be lonely due to this, or don't feel safe and confident to connect.
Every other Sunday we will be doing a walk at Eaton Park with a meet a connect in the park's cafe after and another walk will be held during one day in the week (TBD).
NORWICH WALK AND Talk Events for the Charity CALM
We will be running other events in support of CALM (TBD)
There's something very powerful and healing about nature that can calm your mind and body down.
It's been shown that walking in nature increases our dopamine and reduces cortisol, and brings our heart rate and BP down.
Support a charity
If you wish to donate to this cause, you can do so here NORWICH-WALK-AND-TALK-JustGiving-CALM
NORWICH WALK & TALK is a Campaign Against Living Miserably CALM Club, for more information visit them here thecalmzone