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*online* Hungarian Language Conversation Group

Photo of Yana G
Hosted By
Yana G.
*online* Hungarian Language Conversation Group


Sziasztok and welcome to our Hungarian Conversation Meetup group!
Whether you are a beginner looking to practice your conversation skills, a more advanced student of Hungarian or a native speaker, all levels are welcome! Join us for a lively discussion as we practice this beautiful language together.

*It's always nice to see friendly faces during a virtual meetup. We kindly request all participants to turn on their cameras during the call, so we can all help create a great virtual gathering.

*If you are not talking, please mute your microphone, to avoid feedback and background noise, köszönöm/thanks!

Találkozunk hamarosan! See you soon!

Photo of Hungarian NoVa Meetup Group group
Hungarian NoVa Meetup Group
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Every 2 weeks on Monday

Online event
Link visible for attendees